Ronald Walker


Ronald Walker

Ronald Walker

Historical Romance, New Adult Romance, Erotic Romance, Historical Fiction

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  • Member Since

    Sep 2016

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    United States

  • Born

    1 January 1944

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Child of the Baby Boomers. Wanna be Hippie, just could not afford the counterculture of drugs, psychedelic music, psychedelic art, and social permissiveness. I especially could not afford the flower covered van. The culture was alluring and rebellion of any form was espoused by hot blooded Americans. Many of us followed in our own fashion, leading to social invitations to see the world given by some law enforcement type person. I became a Veteran in the beginning of the Viet Nam era.
I was a brilliant teenager, which was both unknown and unappreciated by my superiors for three years, two months, and six days. I left the military with mixed emotions; Joy and Happiness.
Stationed in Seattle aboard the U.S.S. Staten Island AGB 5; Auxiliary Glacier Breaker. Ice breaker. Among other things I am a Mossback and Shellback thru Naval ritual of indoctrination when crossing the Equator. I have seen the two largest deserts in this world. Arctic and Antarctica. I have seen places you will never go or want to go. I shot and killed a water-buffalo while I was in southeast Asia. Long story and bad memories. While north of Alaska, I photographed jets passing, extremely close, over the forward deck of the ship that were not planes from the U.S Air Force. The film was confiscated. My experience in the service was as close to being a slave as a person can be, without manacles. I was ‘volunteered’ by the engineering officer to leave the Staten Island and board the U.S.S. Apache ATF 67 and went back north to Adak Alaska, an Island in the Aleutians. The one perk was Adak Island had a bowling alley.
I was decorated several times for my service; without ceremony and the conflict in Viet Nam was not a war. That is another long story.
My stomach was removed in 1980 and my life style changed. I became an over the road truck owner-operator for more than thirty years. I have seen our country from a different view than most ever will and seen parts of our world few will ever see. I have been on ships that traveled several weeks without sight of land.
Writing since 1990, when I could. Love the way a good story flows. Hate the time in between, when the flow of words stops and a cramped brain searches for inspiration. A good idea and a lot of hard work makes a good story line and an enjoyable book.
It is my hope that you find my books entertaining and enjoyable.

Ronald Walker Books

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